①双方同意,本合同一式两份,应加盖公司公章,双方各执一份分别为正本和副本,具有同等法律效力。 ②如遇不可抗力或者意外情况,致使本合同部分条款无法实现时,双方应及时协商,达成新的合同条款,以保障双方的合法权益。 ③本合同中的所有款项,以人民币计算。 ④本合同是双方自愿订立的,具有法律约束力。 ⑤本合同自双方签字或者盖章之日起生效。 ⑥如果本合同条款在合同有效期内发生任何变更或者修改,双方应及时协商,达成一致意见,并以书面形式予以补充或者修改。 ⑦在本合同有效期内,如双方发生争议或者纠纷,双方应及时协商,并通过协商达成一致意见,除非双方另行达成书面协议。 ⑧双方在协商过程中达成一致意见的,应当以书面形式表示,并视为本合同的一部分。 ⑨本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力,甲乙双方各执一份。 ⑩本合同自签订之日起生效。
1. 工作经历:每一份简历都需要包括工作经历,是证明你能够胜任职务的直接证据。说明你的工作经历时,要求你的工作描述清晰,逐字逐句地描述你的工作内容,而不是列出一个个业绩。
Work experience: Every resume needs to include work experience, which is direct evidence that you are qualified for the position. When describing your work experience, you should describe your work content clearly, word by word, instead of listing achievements one by one.
2. 教育背景:教育背景起到极为重要的作用,它将使你更容易被录用。描述你的教育背景时,要注意你是在什么时间、什么地点、什么学校、什么专业毕业的。学校需要是**的大学,你的专业需要与应聘的职务相关。
Education background: Education background plays a very important role, which will make it easier for you to be employed. When describing your educational background, you should pay attention to when, where, what school and what major you graduated from. The school needs a famous university, and your major needs to be related to the job you are applying for.
3. 技能:描述你的技能,可以使你更容易被录用。你的技能可以是一些技术技能,也可以是管理技能、语言技能、信息技能等。
Skills: Describing your skills can make you more likely to be employed. Your skills can be technical skills, management skills, language skills, information skills, etc.
4. 个人信息:简历中的个人信息包括你的姓名、年龄、性别、工作年限和联系方式。你的姓名一般是中文名,年龄一般不超过30周岁,性别一般是男性。工作年限一般不超过2年。
Personal information: Personal information in your resume includes your name, age, gender, work experience and contact information. Your name is usually a Chinese name, your age is usually no more than 30 years old, and your gender is usually male. Working years are usually no more than 2 years.
5. 简历目前来说已经是求职工具的一个标准了,大部分情况下对于应届大学生来说,简历往往是由学校的就业指导中心提供的。
Resume is a standard tool for job hunting at present. In most cases, resume is provided by the employment guidance center of universities for fresh graduates.
A resume should include the following:
1. 个人信息:姓名、性别、民族、年龄、出生年月、身高、体重、身份证号、户口所在地、户口性质、政治面貌、通讯地址(邮编)、***近电话(手机)、电子邮箱、家庭住址及电话等。
1. Personal information: name, gender, nationality, age, date of birth, height, weight, ID number, domicile, domicile, political affiliation, mailing address (zip code), recent telephone (mobile phone), email, home address and telephone, etc.
2. 教育背景:学历学位、毕业院校、专业等。
文章地址: //www.lvlcrowd.com/xw/1045.html